CANCER (21 June – 22 July)
It’s time to actively seek out and take action in areas where you can improve. Take an honest, hard look at an area that is giving you trouble and ask yourself, could I be doing this another way? Only once you have changed your behaviour, will you see any improvement in the way you’re treated by others. Love and new relationships can be quite secretive this month. Are you being shy or just a private person? Remember that you need to open up to those closest to you and include them in your life, otherwise they will think you just aren’t interested. New projects and weekend activities bring many smiles to your face in July. If you meet with friends, take a family member with you, preferably one you haven’t seen in awhile. They will love the fact that you invited them. | |
Star Sign Compatibility with Cancer |
LEO (23 July – 22 August)
You will begin to feel as if you’re stuck this month. It might be financially that you noticed nothing is changing or perhaps you keep attempting to do something, but never quite achieve it. As hard as it might be, you need to keep your thoughts on a positive note, otherwise you risk spiralling into a self-pity hole that has very slippery slopes. It may seem like you can’t get anywhere, but remember that it is all part of the journey. You don’t get anywhere by refusing to participate or have a go in life. If you can pick yourself up and try again, that’s all that matters and you’ll also be one step closer to achieving your dream than you were the previous day. A new interest, means finding new friends who can help to fuel your passion to wherever you want to take it.
Star Sign Compatibility with Leo |
VIRGO (23 August – 22 September)
You’re connecting with other people more so now than ever before in your life and really enjoying it. You’ll gain plenty of momentum with friendships and will invite others round just for the fun of it. At work you’ll be recognised for your skills and abilities which is bound to open doors and move you through the ranks very soon. Something that normally comes difficult for you is suddenly easy as pie! Especially, if it involves learning a new skill. It’ll become second nature to you and it’ll be nothing for you to just simply roll up your sleeves and get stuck into it. Creative avenues are a highlight this month so that might mean you’ll find yourself at a gallery, watching a musical or taking singing lessons. Lovers are completely smitten by you and will want to spend as much time as possible with you.
Star Sign Compatibility with Virgo |
LIBRA (23 September – 22 October)
You’re able to rise above it all this month. You’ll be on the road to more responsibilities soon, but you’re definitely ready for it whether you believe so or not. A new relationship will come about from travel. Perhaps they are on holiday or you are? Either way, be sure to friend each other on FaceBook and stay in touch. At the very least, it’ll be a life-long friendship that you’ll want to hold onto. At work, making a good impression is one thing but if no one notices, then where does that leave you? It’s time to point it out to someone or assert yourself more than usual. Trust in your own abilities and well composed thoughts. On the other hand, spontaneity is the key for improving any relationship situation this month. Have fun with it!
Star Sign Compatibility with Libra |
SCORPIO (23 October – 21 November)
Long distance communications are key this month for you Scorpio. You’ll be feeling like you’re half the world away from where the action is. Normally this would be a major problem for you, but you’re feeling so tired and weary from the work you’re doing, that you probably won’t have the energy to worry about it. Unfortunately you are so wound up and busy at the moment that you’ll also be finding it hard to sleep. Try to remember that it’s easy to be critical of others, especially when you’re down on life yourself. But this is not ideal. If you feel as if you’ve lost direction a little, you may need to get in touch with your spirituality. Maybe try a little meditation or call on an old friend who knows you well for some advice.
Star Sign Compatibility with Scorpio |
SAGITTARIUS (22 November – 21 December)
Something comes to an end this month, which fills you with both sadness and relief. It’s time to move onto a new chapter and carve out a path for your future. Take stock of your own personal strengths and talents and see if you can put them to a new use that warms the cockles of your heart. Rivalry will be strong in July but it’s all in good nature. Your relationships are strong and healthy and you’re able to draw plenty of strength from them. Make an attempt to be better organised this month and you’ll eventually see progress being made as a result of this. You’re inspired by others who help those in need and wish to do more in this space with your own line of work. Keep thinking about it and the answer will come to you.
Star Sign Compatibility with Sagittarius |
CAPRICORN (22 December – 19 January)
You have some big dreams and places you want to be. This month you’ll realise that if you want to achieve these, you’ll have to work with people who are experts at what they do to get there. You’re not exactly the social butterfly at times, so you may need some practice in communicating with strangers. The key here is to listen more than you talk and to ask all the right questions. It’s a busy time with work for you and you may be feeling quite down about it. Find something you love to do, and then do it for an entire weekend to break the negative spiral of thought. Don’t let your ambition rule your love life, be sure to include them in on it and you’ll get all the support and loving you need.
Star Sign Compatibility with Capricorn |
AQUARIUS (20 January – 18 February)
Some big changes may be required this month where your health and diet are concerned. If you’re stressed and don’t have time for all the small stuff, then you’re very likely to pig out on food and that certainly won’t help you to have the energy and clear head you need this month. It’s time to take a hard look at what you don’t need in your life anymore. Cut out anything that’s not necessary or put some distance between you and the things that hold you back or make you feel depressed. Most importantly, find some time to spend with the people you love as they can bring you a certain level of sanity and order back into your life, that no one else can do. Single Aquarians should be daring and step outside their comfort zone to attract that special someone.
Star Sign Compatibility with Aquarius |
PISCES (19 February – 20 March)
You’re being completely inspired this month. It’s easy to look about and see the beauty in the world around you and inspiration from stories other people tell you. All that’s changed is that you’re now more receptive to change and new ideas, so you’re starting to see it everywhere. While there’s all this talk of change, it’s your home atmosphere that sees the most change this month. If you’re not on holiday you’ll be rearranging furniture or picking up new pieces at garage sales. All the work you do at home this month will help to release an inner peace and spiritual focus for you. This is what’s needed for you to mentally prepare yourself for what’s coming in the second half of the year. Relationships will have their ups and downs this month but you have truck loads of patience so spending the time to work through any issues won’t be a problem at all.
Star Sign Compatibility with Pisces |
ARIES (21 March – 19 April)
Your office space will change this month. It’ll either get renovated, de-cluttered, change locations or you may even find a new job. Sometimes a simple change in your surroundings can help lift your spirits and improve your energy levels. Friends play an important role for you this month. You’ll be able to let your hair down with them, go to them for some advice and they’ll even help you with a big task you have if you just ask them. A new interest you have opens the door to new friendships and people of a like mind to yourself. Close relationships might become a little demanding but if you manage to resolve it quickly, you’ll be in each other’s arms once more.
Star Sign Compatibility with Aries |
TAURUS (20 April – 20 May)
Learning to communicate is key for you this month. You may unintentionally make someone feel left out simply by communicating to one group of people and not another. Exchange ideas, share photos and tell your loved ones about your personal journey and what you learn. They are interested in hearing it and by just communicating these things, they will be better able to share in your joy. There’ll be some trouble around money and health this month. You may find yourself in a hard place and have to make a tough decision whether to continue doing something you love or not. Try not to let the little things irritate you in July. Focus on the bigger picture and you’ll come out on top. | |
Star Sign Compatibility with Taurus |
GEMINI (21 May – 20 June) – Happy Birthday to Gemini!
This month you need to put your money where your mouth is. You’ve been planning and talking a whole lot about some new venture and now it’s time to put that plan into action and make things happen. If you’re in it to make a quick profit, you’ll end up back at square one fairly soon. Plan for the future and think ahead before you jump in feet first. Your physical appearance becomes important for you this month, which either means you’re trying to make a good impression (ohh-la-la) or you want to more accurately portray who you are on the inside. That’s okay and can definitely help you to be seen in the right light if you’re honest with yourself and don’t try to be somebody you’re not. Single Gemini’s are super energetic and playful this month, but won’t really be in it for the long game. | |
Star Sign Compatibility with Gemini |
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