Element Earth ~ Quality Cardinal ~ Charge Negative ~ Ruling Planet Saturn ~ Day Saturday ~ Phrase “I use”
What does the star sign Capricorn mean?
The Capricorn Star Sign Personality
Capricorns are lucky. They are the ones who look younger as they get older. They are very attractive and neat and once they get over their shyness they are quite aggressive. They can be trusted to keep a secret and are really great in emergencies. Sometimes they are a little bit impulsive but as their intuition is pretty strong, they usually make the right decisions. They’re creative, sensitive and patient. On a bad day, they can be jealous, selfish and moody. They are very close to their family and are usually the last ones to leave home.
More About Capricorn
Capricorns are patient, realistic and responsible and they take life seriously. They need security but they may find this difficult to achieve. Many live on a treadmill of work, simply to pay the bills and feed the kids. They will never shun family responsibilities, even caring for distant relatives if this becomes necessary. However, they can play the martyr while doing so. These people hate coarseness, they are easily embarrassed and they hate to annoy anyone. Capricorns believe fervently in keeping the peace in their families. This doesn’t mean that they cannot stand up for themselves, indeed they know how to get their own way and they won’t be bullied. They are adept at using charm to get around prickly people.
Capricorns are ambitious, hard-working, patient and status-conscious and they will work their way steadily towards the top in any organisation. If they run their own businesses, they need a partner with more pizzazz to deal with sales and marketing for them while they keep an eye on the books. Their nit-picking habits can infuriate others and some have a tendency to ‘know best’ and not to listen. These people work at their hobbies with the same kind of dedication that they put into everything else. They are faithful and reliable in relationships and it takes a great deal to make them stray. If a relationship breaks up, they take a long time to get over it. They may marry very early or delay it until middle age when they are less shy. As an earth sign, Capricorns are highly sexed but they need to be in a relationship where they can relax and gain confidence. Their best attribute is their genuine kindness and their wonderfully dry, witty sense of humour.
Capricorn at Work
There won’t be any upset customers or partners as long as you are in charge of keeping relationships on solid ground. You are an expert at playing the diplomat and can turn an angry client into your greatest advocate within minutes of talking with them. Being as level-headed as you are has benefited your business in more ways than you realise. It allows you to consistently make the right decisions and if one of them doesn’t work out, you’ll learn from it and won’t ever make that mistake again. You are ambitious and hard working, though you do need to let someone else with a bit more pizzazz drive your sales and marketing strategies for you. Try not to get too caught up with the mundane day-to-day tasks that you tend to burden yourself with. It’s time to revive your interest by introducing some of those activities you’ve thought of doing for the past year and you should also try to bring out more of that wonderfully dry and witty sense of humour.
I am an Capricorn 😀 and this is ME all over!!
OMG this is sooo me!!! haha even my friends agree! 🙂
this is so me
i love this star cause i was born at January
its all over me hahaha its really true 😀
Im cappricorn but im not patient, i am realistic and not rlly responsible and i dont take life seriously XD
No mistake reminds me of vigros because we can be understod from our creativity.